Bombay High Court (BHC) Recruitment 2025 English Typing Rules.

Recruitment Name:

Bombay High Court

Typing Rules:

The typing passage will be displayed at the top of the screen, with the typing area located just below it. Based on students' requests, we have also added an off-screen typing feature, allowing students to practice paper-to-screen typing as per preference.

There will be no word highlighting, error highlighting or auto-scrolling features enabled during the typing test.
To get qualified the candidate must typed 500 words for Personal Assistant and 400 words for Stenographer & Clerk posts in 10 minutes to achieve the typing speed of 50 w.p.m, 40 w.p.m and 40 w.p.m respectively.

The typing will be of 40 marks for Perosnal Assistant and Stenographer posts and 20 marks for Clerk posts. There will be deduction of 1 mark for each 4 mistakes (as per the previous instructions).


The error for the Bombay High Court (BHC) Typing Test will be calculated word by word basis and thus typing speed and marks will be calaculated.

Marks Calculation
For each 4 words mistake 1 mark will be deducted from the total maximum marks. For eaxmaple, if the candidate typed 500 words in 10 minutes with 10 mistakes for Personal Assistant post then the marks will be calculated as:

Marks = 50 - (10 / 4) = 47.5 marks

Exam Pattern:

Details about the written test and typing test

Official Website:

Blog Published Date:

30 January, 2025

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